Greenfield Argus Newspaper
09 Nov 1878
Business at Wrightsville: Dissolution Notice – The late firm of C. E. G. Macauliffe & Co., is by mutual consent dissolved this day Nov. 1, 1878.
Businesses T9 R12
Jacob Erisman, U.S. Flouring Mills
E. P. Pegram, merchant, Woodville
Charles Rice, miller, Carrollton
01 Feb 1879
Wrightsville is a growing town. The barber shop will soon be ready for business and now comes a first class tailor who wants a room to open up business in. Mr. Baum – a wide awake shoemaker.
20 Mar 1880
News at Wrightsville: There was a quilting party and wood chopping at Geo. Rhoads on last Saturday and a party at night.
01 Jan 1881
Business at Wrightsville: Dec. 22, 1880, Dr. C. T. Pratt was elected Chief of Police.
Business at Wrightsville: Dr. J. C. Cravens – Doctor; Batty – Postmaster; Templar Lodge; Modern Woodman.
30 Jul 1897
Malarial fever appears to be contagious hereabout.
17 Sep 1897
The Local News: J. F. Batty is Wrightsville’s new postmaster.
14 Dec 1906
The Douglas School building, a few miles south of this city, was destroyed by fire on Monday afternoon, shortly after the close of school Just how the fire originated is not known as there was no one present when the fire started. It is presumed that it must have caught in the ceiling from the fire left in the stove, as those who reached the scene first found the blaze the hottest at that point. The building was a good sized one, it being the old Douglas Church edifice which was transformed into a school building a number of years ago. It was perhaps worth about $800, being insured for $500. Some of the people living nearby reached the building in time to save the library books and all the school books as well as all the pictures and maps. Miss Nelle Sutton of this city was the teacher in charge. Owing to the small number of pupils which attended the school" only ten being regular attendants, the district may secure a place in which the schoolwork can be contained until a new structure can be erected. Later, they have secured the old Weisner tenant house just south west of the old school site, which will be fitted up for temporary use, and school will reopen therein next Monday.
Transcribed 19 Aug 2003 by Grace Karr Gettings
03 Jun 1910
County Blacksmiths Organize
Richard Lyas & W. P. Powell, two of our local blacksmiths, were
in Carrollton on Thurs. evening of last week where they met with
a number of blacksmiths from Carrollton, White Hall, Roodhouse,
Eldred, Hillview & Kane, and as a result of the meeting an
organization was perfected which is to be known as the Greene
County Blacksmith’s Association. The object of the meeting and
association was to create a better acquaintance & understanding
among the craft & probably establish a more uniform rate for
work in their line.
09 Sep 1910
Forty-five years ago the 6th day of September 1865 the first passenger car arrived in Carrollton. The citizens subscribed $32.00 for the erection of the depot, and strange to relate that the same old antiquated structure is still doing service in the same capacity.
Concrete workers are making some up-to-date bridges across the
big slough in Apple Creek bottom. The entire structure is
re-enforced concrete & looks a permanent affair.
23 Sep 1910
The Wrights milk station which has been in operation since 1904, has been closed as a result of the resignation of the manager, U. G. Waltrip. The station has been paying from $600 to $700 per mo. to the milk producers of that section, the station having 24 regular patrons.
21 Apr 1911, v. 42, p. 8, col. 4
Burroughs, Frank (Eldred)
Married Cecil Schudle, Apr. 5
16 Jun 1911
Greenfield’s Motor Car Exhibit
There are thirty automobiles owned by people living in
Greenfield and immediate vicinity, which is quite a motor car
exhibit for a city the size of Greenfield. The names of the
owners and their cars are given below:
C. O. Dannel, Ford |
B. M. Kincaid, Abbott-Detroit |
C. J. Doyle, Buick |
G. A. Olbert, Overland |
Dr. H. W. Gobble, Maxwell |
J. P. Kahm, Mitchell |
Dr. J. A. Cravens, Buick |
J. H. Entrekin, Ford |
C. R. Sheffield, E.M.F. |
Hugh Clardy, Ford |
W. T. Scott, Ford |
Leroy Piper, Columbia |
Dr. C. O. Bulger, Maxwell |
Grant Melvin, Hudson |
Dr. F. A. Clement, Maxwell |
R. B. Ellis, Overland |
D. E. Kincaid, Ford |
Leo Smith, Lambert |
M. B. Metcalf, Detroit-Chalmers |
G. H. Coultas, International |
A. R. Morrow, Buick |
L. C. Valentine, Ford |
E. K. Metcalf, Detroit-Chalmers |
H. C. Wilhite, Buick |
I. M. Mace, Ford |
A. D. Rollins, Maxwell |
Ralph Ford, Detroit-Charlmers |
Mrs. Minnie H. Collins, Maxwell |
G. W. Parks, Maxwell |
R. R. Ford, Detroit-Chalmers |
07 Jul 1911
The demand for Ford automobiles has became so insistive in this county that C. O. Dannel, the county agent, has placed his order for a carload of the machines, two of which have been spoken for. The Ford company makes 300 machines a day and yet can’t keep up with the heavy demand for their serviceable and popular priced cars.
28 Mar 1913
Nellie Davis Parks, daughter of James T. and Sarah C. Smith, was born Mar.
4, 1884, on the old Smith homestead, seven miles northwest of Greenfield,
Ill., and died at the home of her parents in Greenfield, Ill., on Thursday
afternoon, Mar. 20, 1913, at 3:15 o'clock, aged twenty-nine years and
sixteen days.
She grew to womanhood on the farm with her parents. After completing a course of study in the rural school, she attended the White Hall High school two years. In 1899 she professed faith in Christ and united with the Union Christian church of which she reamined a faithful member till death. She was united in marriage to Chas. L. Parks, June 25, 1904. To this union four children were born, Kenneth age seven years, George nine years, Harold three years and James seventeen months, all of whom survive her. She also leaves a father, mother, one brother, Frank of Pontiac, Ill., and one sister, Mrs. Virgil Holmes, of Greenfield, Ill., besides many relatives and friends to mourn her death. She possessed a beautiful and unblemished character, a most pleasing personality, which won for her many friends. She had a very happy disposition, ever meeting her friends with a smiling face and cheery words. She had an unusually brilliant and active mind, lofty and pure ideals, was fond of music and much enjoyed the pleasant social relations with her friends. Words cannot express her value as a wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. Those who knew her best, loved her most. The world is better and brighter because of the influence of her young life.
Brief funeral services were held at the home of her parents, Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, conducted by Rev. H. C. Smith, after which the body was taken to the Union Christian church, nine miles northwest of Greenfield, where funeral services were conducted by Francis Fowler, of White Hall. The interment was in the adjoining cemetery.
16 May 1913
Marriage license: George Burrows, Eldred; Daisy Heron, Eldred.
17 Nov 1916
The Red Circle Saturday Night
--Mrs. Victor H. Haven and Mrs. Glenn W. Haven were St. Louis
visitors Tuesday.
--Mr. And Mrs. E. L. Altum departed Tuesday morning for their new
home in Archie, Mo.
--Many a couple who during courtship have found plenty of room on
one chair, after marriage discover that they can’t live in the
same house.
--Blanche Sweet, a favorite with Greenfield people, comes to the
opera house next Tuesday night in “The Ragamuffin,” an earnest
and emphatic plea for universal life opportunity.
--Some ministers take it as a compliment when some of their
congregation go to sleep during the sermon. They claim they
wouldn’t go to sleep unless they were sure the sermon was all
--Mr. And Mrs. N. L. Dawson, of Rockbridge, were among
Greenfield’s Saturday callers. This office acknowledges a
pleasant call from Mrs. D., who dropped in to renew her Argus
subscription and that of her son, Brace.
--Mr. And Mrs. Jas T. Smith, Mr. And Mrs. Virgil Holmes and Miss
Ethel Wilhite were in White Hall Monday attending the funeral of
Capt. Thos. A. Smith, whose death occurred in California the
previous week.
19 Jul 1918
20 yrs. ago
Wm. P. Burroughs (2nd lieut.) original muster roll of the
Greenfield Independent Cavalry, Mormon War & called out during
the trouble at Fort Massac and disbanded about 1845.
07 Mar 1919
George Lee, a Civil War veteran died at his home in Chesterfield March 1st. His parents moved from Greenfield to Chesterfield in 1856. He’s survived by three children.
Transcribed 15 Nov 2002 by Carol S. VanValkenburgh
09 Mar 1923
In 1834 George Allen was joined by his brother-in-law, Rev. Amos Prentice, and together they entered the dry-goods business. They carried on a store where the Masonic hall later stood.
William Caldwell and family came in 1834 and occupied for a time a house on the northwest corner of the square, but soon moved into the building afterward owned by Mr. Saylor.
Wm. P. Burroughs moved from west of White Hall (in 1834) and located on a farm four miles northwest of town. Came also Rev. S. B. Culp and opened a tailor shop. Dr. M. A. Cooper occupied a room over Allen's store. The nearest postoffice at this time was at Carrollton, where some one went weekly for the mail. To remedy this a postoffice was suggested. George W. Allen laid out a plat of lots in 1835. Mr. Allen wished to call the new town Greenville, but there being a town of that name in the state, he appealed to his friend, Rev. J. B. Corrington, who looking out over the beautiful green fields said "Let it be called Greenfield," and so it was.
The advance of the new town was slow for a time. Numerous signed petitions were sent to the postoffice department in Washington and they first succeeded in getting a mail route from Jacksonville to Alton and then a postoffice here. Mr. Allen was the first postmaster. Mr. Conley and Mr. Twitchell were among the first mail carriers.
It may be a surprise to some to learn that negro slaves were owned about here in early times. "Old Strap", a negro who was left here when his master went South, became a county charge. The following entry in the records of commissioner's court explains itself.
"Ordered that Robert B. Scott be allowed four dollars for keep of "Old Strap."
In the deeds in office of the recorder is found the following:
"Dec 7, 1835, by which James H. Cravens and wife deed to James
Berry, John H. Marmon and Jno C. Berry in consideration of the
sum of three hundred dollars the following property: Negro boy,
slave known by the name of Jonathan, about fifteen years of age,
light complexion, five feet, four inches high, also negro woman,
Teney, about eighteen years of age, dark complexion, and her
child called Margaret, about two years of age [remainder
06 Sep 1927
Honored the Old Soldiers
At noon last Friday the Lucy Jane Kinkead Tent No. 74 of the Daughters of the Union Veterans of the Civil War entertained the members of the Grand Army of the Republic and their wives with a sumptuous dinner at the Presbyterian Church. Of the 167 veterans whose names were at some time members of the local G. A. R. post only eleven known remain as follows: Isaac Barton, Stephen Cole, Andrew Story, William Norris, John McLaughlin, Wm. I. Williamson, James Sample, John McQuerrey, Charles Jewell and James Boring. Only the first six mentioned were able to be present, all of whom responded with words of appreciation for the recognition and honor bestowed upon them through the occasion.
Mrs. E. F. Ford served most admirably at toastmistress and arranged the program in a most pleasing manner. After introducing the occasion and each of the old veterans who related some brief chapter out of their experience, Mrs. Lucy Jane Kinkead, for whom the local tent was named, was introduced. Mrs. Kinkead served as a nurse in the Civil War, going along with her husband, who was a physician, and thus deeply endeared herself to the soldiers. She responded briefly expressing her appreciation of being able to be present and of the honor bestowed upon her. Mrs. Margaret Burroughs, President of the local tent made a few remarks telling of how the tent had yearned through this occasion to show their appreciation of the G. A. R. Mrs. Ollie Green made a touching address. Rev. O. F. Jones spoke briefly telling what we owed to the old soldiers and of our love for them, others made brief remarks and the occasion was concluded by singing “America.”
The following are the members of the local tent, all but three of whom were present: Margaret Burroughs, Mary McLow, Lillie Smith, Nancy Waller, Dora Powell, Jennie McQuerrey, Lena Stickel, Angie Cunningham, Mary McLaughlin, Wilma Coates, Amy Vertrees, Blanche __________, Anna Wilhite, Rachel Beck, Maureen Berm_s, Hazel Green, _________ Ford, Olive Green, Anna _______, Mary Tate, Dana Overbey, _________ __________ and Nellie Weisner.
Transcribed 17 Nov 2002 by Carol S. VanValkenburgh
01 Aug 1930
In 1890 the census was:
Carrollton | 2251 |
Roodhouse | 2334 |
White Hall | 1979 |
Greenfield | 1132 |
Kane | 506 |
Rockbridge | 371 |
Fayette | 138 |
Berdan | 125 |