
Biographies are not just full of information about the person, but typically include valuable information about their relatives and ancestors. Although the biographical information may not always be accurate, they can be used as a springboard for your research.

Akers, A E
Allen, Albro B
Anderson, Evan E
Armstrong, George W

Baldwin, F M
Baldwin, John A
Barnard, Elisha C
Barrow, Alfred H
Bates, Charles T
Boggess, James L
Bowman, Martin
Brace, Curtis W
Bradshaw, Charles
Bradshaw, William M
Brown, Charles M
Brown, E B
Brown, Peter M
Brown, W A
Brown, William
Bushnell, Lodelia

Callaway, J T
Campbell, Walter A
Carlin, Thomas J
Carr, J S
Carter, Jerome B
Carter, Lorenzo E
Christy, George
Clendenen, Hazard P
Cockrell, George C
Coffman, Rev.
Collins, Walton M
Converse, Harry
Converse, Uriah
Conway, Daniel
Coonrod, George W
Cooper, Robert R
Cory, Luther
Costley, William
Cox, William
Crist, Charles H

Dayton, Matthew
Dinwiddie, Joseph M
Dunsmore, Robert G

Fenity, Peter
Fry, Jacob

Gardiner, Christopher J
Gardiner, James B
Gardiner, Samuel G
Garrison, James
Gorrell, Peter
Greene, S F
Greene, William L
Griffin, Thorrit

Hamilton, J B
Hanks, Green P
Hannaford, A M
Harsook, Joseph
Haven, Victor
Higbee, Edward H
Hinton, Alfred
Hobson, Peter
Hodges, Charles D
Houdashelt, Henry
Huff, John
Huitt, John W
Husted, Edward M 1897bio
Husted, Edward M 1905bio

Jackson, James W
Jackson, William B
Johnson, William A.
Jones, Norman L.
Jones, Theophilus

Kelley, M F 
King, Lucian

Lee, Archibald
Linder, Isham
Lynn, Charles

Mason, George B
Maberry, William B
Marmon, William P
Martin, James
Morris, Marvil
Morrow, Zachariah A

Osborn, A L
Ozbun, Benjamin F

Perry, Nathaniel M
Pierson, David
Piper, John W
Porter, William A

Rainey, Henry T.
Record, John
RIchard, Louis P A
Rogers, Charles
Roodhouse, John
Roodhouse, William C
Ruyle, John

Saxton, William T
Seeley, Anthony S
Smith, Edward
Smith, George W
Smith, H W
Smith, James M.
Smith, W O
Spear, John S
Spencer, Henry R
Stock, Frederick J
Strang, Walter B
Swallow, George

Thomas, Charles R
Thomas, Samuel
Thompson, Robert C
Truesdale, D M
Tunnell, Andrew J

Violett, Selana

Whiteside, Davis B
Whiteside, Levi T
Williams, Robert
Winn, George W
Witt, Franklin
Witt, George W
Witt, Randolph
Woodson, David M
Worcester, R S
Wright, George

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